STORY TIME: Precarious Eviction Versus Emotional Abuse Post-Separation.

STORY TIME: Precarious Eviction Versus Emotional Abuse Post-Separation.

Precarious Eviction
In most cases, an eviction procedure is initiated due to precariousness when the owner gives his house to a family member or friend so that he can live there free of charge and when he wants to recover his house, his family or friends do not abandon the property voluntarily.

“occupies someone else’s home no title” – it was our first home together!
“without paying any type of rent or consideration in exchange” – how many wives pay rent?

I was not a family member or friend. I was his wife (non-married) and his partner for eleven years.
I meant nothing to him when he moved on quickly. Discarded.

Post-Separation Abuse
An ex-partner can betray you, cheat, lie, discard or abandon you in shock grief and anxiety
Make all sorts of promises and gestures or dangle a carrot of financial offers
Refuse to NEGOTIATE.
Keep moving the goalposts on various mediation and negotiation attempts to come to a win:win resolution. They have an attitude of wanting to win at all costs.
They can Gaslight, Manipulate, sign an agreement and arbitrarily change the terms of that agreement without any further discussion.

Make false statements to a lawyer, and the courts.
Make false allegations of crimes.

Non-married women in long-term relationships are treated like second-class citizens. Family laws cover married couples through divorce, but those laws do not cover the breakup for non-married couples.

I launched a Change org Petition
Mandate Legal Mediation as a First Option in Separation and Divorce

The lawyers in the Gender Violence organisation CAVI actually gave me advice not to file any further complaints after the original case of emotional & psychological abuse was dismissed as being one minor verbal abuse. I was told to NEGOTIATE:
Not very helpful advice seeing as I had already been told “YOU CAN NOT NEGOTIATE WITH ME” effectively silenced.

Emotional abuse – hidden forms of abuse.
Includes non-physical behaviours that are meant to control, isolate, or frighten you. This may present in romantic relationships as threats, insults, criticism, anger and rage outbursts, constant monitoring, excessive jealousy, manipulation, humiliation, intimidation, financial abuse, and dismissiveness, among others.

Physical Violence
Includes hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, strangling, smothering, using or threatening to use weapons, shoving, interrupting your sleep, throwing things, destroying property, hurting or killing pets, and denying medical treatment.

Coercive Control is a crime of domestic abuse in the UK since 2015
Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation, intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.

Story time,Precarious Eviction,Emotional Abuse,Post-Separation.,Emotional Abuse Post-Separation.,Refuse to NEGOTIATE,Gaslight,Manipulate,arbitrarily change the terms,Make false statements to a lawyer,Make false allegations of crimes,Non-married women,second-class citizens.,Family laws,Mandate Legal Mediation,Change org Petition,YOU CAN NOT NEGOTIATE WITH ME,Emotional abuse – hidden forms of abuse,Coercive Control,Physical Violence,domestic abuse

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