Abrupt Termination: Shedding Light on Hidden Emotional Abuse

Abrupt Termination: Shedding Light on Hidden Emotional Abuse

In this episode, Loraine delves into the challenging topic of abrupt termination of a relationship and the abuse that often follows. Loraine recounts her own three-and-a-half-year journey following the sudden end of her relationship, navigating through litigations and facing criminal allegations from her former partner. The episode explores the emotional turmoil and negative effects of abrupt relationship endings, highlighting the patterns of emotional and psychological abuse that can persist post-separation. Loraine provides insights on signs to watch out for, ways to stay safe, and the importance of seeking legal advice and understanding one’s rights in such situations.


Abrupt termination of a relationship can lead to post-separation abuse, which can manifest in various forms such as emotional, financial, or legal abuse.

Closure in a relationship is essential for both parties to move forward without trauma, understanding, and acceptance of the end of the relationship.

Signs of post-separation abuse include outbursts of anger, dismissal of thoughts and feelings, lack of respect for personal boundaries, coercive behaviour, invasion of privacy, and jealousy.

Victims of emotional and psychological abuse may blame themselves, feel worthless, despair, and lose trust in others, leading to negative emotions and a lack of will to live.

To protect oneself from post-separation abuse, it is crucial to plan for the worst, confide in a trusted person, go no contact with the ex-partner, seek legal advice, and understand one’s rights.

You can read more about Coercive Control


“I had no idea what information had gone into that court. My evidence was denied and then in 2023 I asked for the files from that solicitor.”

“The negative effects of abrupt termination. Cause and effect. Firstly, grieving is a negative emotion, but it’s natural.”

“Post-separation abuse is a continuation of abuse that has happened within the relationship. The issue with post-separation abuse is that even after the relationship has ended and the couple are separated, the abuse doesn’t end.”

“There will be no win-win solution in a conflicted divorce or separation. The only winners in litigations and family court will be the lawyers who demand high fees and expenses.”


Loraine is a blogger, digital creator, and author.
A former Property Management business owner spent a decade in HMO and family rentals before moving to Spain in 2016 with dreams of becoming fully retired and living in Spain with her partner, but that dream shattered in September 2020. 

Loraine explains how she has now experienced the three D’s in relationship endings. Divorce, death of a partner and now discard, the abrupt termination of a relationship. 

Currently working on rebuilding her life whilst living with three overlapping litigations post-separation including the threat of precarious eviction by a former partner.

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