The Power of Thought

The Power of Thought

In this episode, Loraine considers the transformative power of positive thinking and how changing one’s mindset can lead to a life of abundance and fulfilment. Drawing insights from renowned personal development coaches and authors, Loraine explores key ideas on transforming one’s thinking, such as cultivating awareness of thought patterns, challenging negative beliefs, and practising gratitude. Through affirmations and continuous learning, Loraine encourages listeners to take ownership of their lives, detach from specific outcomes, and serve others to invite abundance and fulfilment.


Changing your thinking can change your life in profound and transformative ways by adopting a mindset of positivity and practising self-awareness.

Practising gratitude and visualization are powerful tools to shift your thinking towards the positive and instil a deep sense of belief in achieving your goals.

Surround yourself with positivity by limiting exposure to negative influences and cultivating a positive environment that nourishes your mind and spirit.

Set clear, achievable goals, take inspired action, and invest in self-care to move closer to your desired outcomes and maintain overall well-being.

Embrace failure as an opportunity for growth, adopt an abundance mindset, use positive affirmations, and serve others to invite abundance and fulfilment into your life.


“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

“Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Limit exposure to negative influences, whether it’s in the news, on social media, or with toxic relationships.”

“Set clear goals. Define what success means to you and then set clear, achievable goals to work towards.”

“Something wonderful is always on the verge of happening. Thank you for listening. You are truly blessed.”


Loraine is a blogger, digital creator, and author.
A former Property Management business owner spent a  decade in HMO and family rentals before moving to Spain in 2016 with dreams of becoming fully retired and living in Spain with her partner, but that dream shattered in September 2020. 

Loraine explains how she has now experienced the three D’s in relationship endings. Divorce, death of a partner and now discard, the abrupt termination of a relationship. 

Currently working on rebuilding her life whilst living with three overlapping litigations post-separation including the threat of precarious eviction by a former partner.

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