Cultivating Financial Freedom: Empowering Your Wealth Mindset. #mindset #money #success

In today’s episode, Loraine Marshall delves into the transformative power of overcoming limiting beliefs around money and cultivating a mindset primed for financial success. Through a series of engaging discussions, Loraine explores the importance of making decisions, practising forgiveness and gratitude, and embracing the law of circulation. Drawing from personal experiences and real-world examples, she emphasizes the significance of taking massive, imperfect action and dispels the myth of perfectionism as a roadblock to progress. Loraine encourages listeners to start their journey towards financial abundance by reshaping their mindset and taking actionable steps towards their goals. 

5 free mantras sign up


Every decision, no matter how small, shapes our financial journey. Successful individuals embrace the power of choice and understand that it’s key to progress.

Forgiveness allows us to let go of past financial mistakes and move forward with a clean slate. Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, attracting abundance.

Giving generously opens us up to receiving, creating a financial ecosystem where energy and opportunities flow freely. Embracing abundance leads to alignment and success.

Start now and adjust along the way. Perfectionism can be a roadblock to progress. Learn by doing, take action, and get closer to success.

Break free from limiting beliefs and pave the way for financial success with the 5 FREE Abundance Affirmation Mantras. Sign up for the transformational journey to redefine your relationship with money and unlock abundance.


“Successful individuals are not afraid to make decisions. They embrace the power of choice and understand that it’s key to progress.””Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have, a very powerful mindset shift that attracts abundance.”

“Holding on to grudges or guilt about money can be a significant barrier to success.”

“When you give generously, you open yourself up to receiving. It’s not just about money. It’s about energy and opportunities flowing freely.”

“Taking massive and imperfect action is about not waiting for the perfect moment. It’s about starting now and adjusting along the way.”


Loraine is a blogger, digital creator, and author.
A former Property Management business owner spent a  decade in HMO and family rentals before moving to Spain in 2016 with dreams of becoming fully retired and living in Spain with her partner, but that dream shattered in September 2020. 

Loraine explains how she has now experienced the three D’s in relationship endings. Divorce, death of a partner and now discard, the abrupt termination of a relationship. 

Currently working on rebuilding her life whilst living with three overlapping litigations post-separation including the threat of precarious eviction by a former partner.

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