Post-Separation Legal Abuse, Not Legal Conflict. Mindset Money Success

Post-Separation Legal Abuse, Not Legal Conflict. Mindset Money Success

In this episode, titled “It’s Post-Separation Legal Abuse, Not Conflict,” Loraine delves into the topic of toxic relationships and the ongoing abuse that can occur even after separation. Loraine shares her personal story of being in an emotionally abusive relationship and the challenges she faced when trying to navigate the legal system. From threats and intimidation to manipulation and coercive control, she highlights the ways in which abusers seek to punish their ex-spouses or partners. The episode sheds light on the complexities of toxic relationships and the need for awareness and support for survivors.


Toxic relationships can continue even after separation, as abusers may seek to harm and control their ex-spouse or partner through legal means.

Emotional abuse can be difficult to recognize, as the speaker only realized they were in an emotionally abusive relationship two weeks after their partner left.

The abuser used intimidation and angry outbursts to control and manipulate the speaker, even threatening to leave them homeless if they didn’t comply.

The abuser constantly changes the terms of any agreements or negotiations, making it impossible for the speaker to reach a resolution or find a fair solution.

The speaker’s journey to seek justice and tell their story highlights the challenges faced by victims of abuse in navigating the legal system and finding vindication.

“Abusers torment their exes through courts in all forms of coercive control post-separation.”

“I had already been subjected to intimidation when he had angry outbursts towards me.”

“I was fearful of him and his behaviour. He had blasted out his anger, and I was being told to watch my step.”

“I was accused, blamed, belittled. He even said, ‘we don’t communicate terribly well and you have a habit of grabbing some idea and running off with it without stopping and thinking about it.'”

“I have written my book to show how despite elaborate laws on domestic abuse and gender violence, the victimized often do not see justice.”

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