The Warning Signs Of A Toxic Partner: Don’t Miss These Red Flags!

The Red Flags Of A Toxic Partner.
The Warning Signs Of A Toxic Partner: Don’t Miss These Red Flags!

In today’s episode, Loraine delves into the world of red flags, and toxic relationships. She informs listeners of narcissistic cycles of abuse, which includes stages such as love-bombing, devaluation, discard, and hoovering. Loraine emphasizes the importance of recognizing these patterns and understanding the power dynamics at play in order to break free from destructive relationships. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize self-worth, establish healthy boundaries, and seek support from friends, family, or professionals on their journey of healing and recovery from emotional and psychological harm.


Recognizing the red flags of a toxic partner is crucial for breaking free from destructive relationships.

Understanding the stages of love-bombing, devaluation, discard, and hoovering can help individuals protect themselves from emotional and psychological harm.

It is important to prioritize self-worth and establish healthy boundaries in relationships.

Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can be beneficial in navigating the challenging journey of healing and recovery from narcissistic abuse.

Educating oneself on the power and control dynamic of the narcissistic abuse cycle is essential in avoiding repeating past mistakes and making excuses for a partner’s behaviour.


“Understanding these stages can empower individuals to identify and escape toxic relationships before irreparable damage occurs.”

“Love-bombing involves constant communication, making it challenging for the recipient to imagine life without the seemingly perfect connection.”

“The victim may struggle with feelings of worthlessness, betrayal, and the challenge of rebuilding their shattered self-esteem.”

“Hoovering is a deliberately manipulative behaviour designed to pull a person back into a cycle of abuse.”

“Recognizing the red flags of a toxic partner within the context of the narcissistic cycle of abuse is crucial for breaking free from destructive relationships.”


Loraine is a blogger, digital creator, and author.
A former Property Management business owner spent a decade in HMO and family rentals before moving to Spain in 2016 with dreams of becoming fully retired and living in Spain with her partner, but that dream shattered in September 2020.

Loraine explains how she has now experienced the three D’s in relationship endings. Divorce, death of a partner and now discard, the abrupt termination of a relationship.

Currently working on rebuilding her life whilst living with three overlapping litigations post-separation including the threat of precarious eviction by a former partner.

Cycle of Abus,e lovebomb, devalue, discard, hoovering,.

Three S’s of narcissism, Sex, Supply, Services,

Author Pen Name – Loren Keeling

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