Mindset – I did it anyway.

Mindset – I did it anyway.

In this episode of the Mindset Money Success podcast, Loraine Marshall shares her personal experiences with mindset and seizing opportunities. She recounts her journey of finding part-time work as a stay-at-home mom, starting a successful fundraising job despite having no prior experience and venturing into the world of student rentals with her partner. Loraine also opens up about the challenges she faced in her personal relationships and how they impacted her entrepreneurial pursuits. Through her stories, she emphasizes the importance of taking action and embracing opportunities, even when faced with uncertainty or obstacles. Listeners are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones and pursue their goals, regardless of their initial knowledge or experience.


Mindset and opportunities: The podcast episode discusses the importance of having the right mindset when it comes to recognizing and seizing opportunities in life.

Starting from scratch: The speaker shares personal experiences of starting new ventures, such as finding part-time work and starting a student rental business, without prior knowledge or experience in those fields.

Learning and adapting: Despite not knowing how to do certain tasks, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning new skills and continuously expanding one’s knowledge to succeed in new opportunities.

Overcoming challenges: The speaker faced various challenges, including financial constraints and personal setbacks, but persevered and found ways to overcome them in order to achieve success.

Taking action: The speaker encourages listeners to take action and pursue opportunities, even if they don’t have all the answers or know where to start. It’s about starting somewhere and learning along the way.

“Nobody knows at the beginning of how to do a thing. Everyone has to start somewhere.” 

“I invested a lot of money… to learn digital marketing.”

“He didn’t want me to work an online business or to maybe earn more than him.”

“I started to feel at home… and wanted to remain here.” 

“I published my book… when I had no clue how to do it and I did it anyway.”

Loraine is a blogger, digital creator, and author.
A former Property Management business owner spent a  decade in HMO and family rentals before moving to Spain in 2016 with dreams of becoming fully retired and living in Spain with her partner, but that dream shattered in September 2020. 
Loraine explains how she has now experienced the three D’s in relationship endings. Divorce, death of a partner and now discard, the abrupt termination of a relationship. 
Currently working on rebuilding her life whilst living with three overlapping litigations post-separation including the threat of precarious eviction by a former partner.


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